When cooking becomes an obsession…

About pureed soups

October 13, 2010

About pureed soups:

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Pureed soups are easy and difficult to make at the same time.

Easy, because You cook all together, blend everything and the soup is ready.

Difficult because:

First, You have to find ingredients that are go well together and complement each other so that soup would not be as baby food, that nobody wants to 

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eat. Think well what You are going to cook!

Second, consistency of the soup. Soup has to be rich and nourishing not like a tea. For this You have to remember, when vegetables are cooked, drain about 1 / 3 of the liquid into a separate bowl. Then, blend your soup and adjust the consistency with the same liquid.

The best way to make soup is to blend it with stand blender, it aerates the soup, fills it with air, making it heaven like. Of course You can force it through the sieve or blend it in food processor.

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Salt soup in the end of cooking, when the soup is already blended. Then you can evaluate the taste more adequately.

Reheat Your cream soup gently and slowly, over low to medium heat, stirring often, so soup does not stick to the pot walls, it spoils the taste a lot.

Good luck!

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